Toward a Free and Virtuous Society (FAVS)

Konzervatorium I 2012.08.15. 07:05

The Austrian based Christian conservative, free market oriented initiative Europa Institut together with speakers from the reknown US Acton Institute, the UK based Institute for Economic Affairs (IEA) and the Slovakian Kolegium Anton Neuwirth host the 9th “Toward a Free and Virtuous Society Conference” (FAVS) Europe from September 13-16., 2012 in Slowakia, in the town of Modra (close to Bratislava).

FAVS Conferences offer an introduction to the moral foundations of personal and economic liberty. By combining an in-depth treatment of economic principles with principles of social justice and anthropology, Toward a Free and Virtuous Society seminars focus on applying the foundational ideas of economic liberty to complex issues such as poverty, welfare reform, and globalization.

The conference is open to a maximum of 30 students between 18 and 28 years. All students are asked for a contribution of 85 Euro, covering everything except travel costs. The FAVS addresses students with a strong Christian background from Europe. The conference is held in English. Therefore, very good listening comprehension and good speaking skills in English are necessary.

The application process has started and will close on August 24, 2012!

Please find the detailed information (speakers, program, application form etc.) on the conference website.
Application needs to be done via the application form, which needs to be filled out to the best of students knowledge.

The following speakers will be there this year:
· Dr. Samuel Gregg, Acton Institute (USA)
· Prof. Philip Booth, Cass Business School and Institute for Economic Affairs (IEA), London
· Dr. Martin Luteran, Institute Anton Neuwirth, Bratislava
· Staff of Europainstitut

For any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us any time at:

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